Jimmie: Sir, we got a page 6 problem.
JJ: We got a page 1 problem, shut up.

Peter: Did you know that this is the largest electron microscope in the western hempisphere?
Harry: Peter... what makes you think I want to know?
Peter: Who wouldn't?

Flash and meatheads: *Meathead 1 pushes peter* HEHEHEH
Harry: Leave him alone.
Meathead 1: Or what?
Flash: Or his father'll fire your father, heheheheh. Teacher: The next person that talks is gonna fail this marking period, now let's go.

Peter(while chasing after bus): HEYY!!! STOP THE BUS!!!!!!
everyone else: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Mary Jane: Stop the bus! He's been chasin' us since mendel.
*Bus stops*
Peter: Sorry I'm late, b....*paper hits him and everyone laughs*
*Peter looks at an open seat next to a "loser woman".
Woman: Don't even think about it...
*Peter looks at guy with donut*
Donut guy: UH UH!

*Flash punches Peter's locker*
Flash: You think you're pretty funny, don't you, freak?
*MJ walks down the hall*
MJ: Flash, it was just an accident!
Flash: My fist breaking your teeth, that's the accident.
Peter: I don't want to fight you, Flash.
Flash: I wouldn't want to fight me, neither.
Meathead 1: C'mon, kick his ass.
*Flash tries to punch Peter, but keeps missing*
MJ: Help him, Harry!
*Meathead 1 tries to tackle Peter, but Peter does a backflip, dodging the attack*
Harry: Which one?
Meathead 1: Whew, he's all yours, man.